Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  IC 1590  ·  LBN 611  ·  LBN 615  ·  LBN 616  ·  NGC 281  ·  PGC 137199  ·  PGC 137206  ·  PGC 137207  ·  PGC 137210  ·  PGC 137214  ·  PGC 137216  ·  PGC 137218  ·  PGC 137229  ·  PGC 137230  ·  PGC 137234  ·  PGC 137241  ·  PGC 137257  ·  PGC 137261  ·  PGC 137273  ·  PGC 137278  ·  PGC 137279  ·  PGC 137282  ·  PGC 137294  ·  PGC 137297  ·  PGC 137305  ·  PGC 137312  ·  PGC 137314  ·  PGC 137315  ·  PGC 137331  ·  PGC 137334  ·  And 6 more.
NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, jmarinotero
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NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula

NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, jmarinotero
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NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula



Acquisition details



NGC281, colloquially referred to as the Pacman Nebula, is a large emission nebula close to the orange giant Schedar in the constellation of Cassiopeia and is part of the Milky Way's Perseus Spiral Arm. It sits at around 9200 light years from home. This nebula is visible with amateur telescopes under dark skies. It is usually photographed with the SHO Hubble Palette as shown here. I acquired this object for longer than I anticipated, and this proved to be a double edged sword. On the one hand I had excellent pixel rejection and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), but on the other I was compelled to try and push the processing to extract the fainter structures.



  • NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, jmarinotero
  • Final
    NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, jmarinotero

Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC281 - The Pacman Nebula, jmarinotero

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